Sunday, October 26, 2014

Autumn Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe

Step 1: Pick your pumpkin. (Carve it, duh!)

Step 2: Scoop out all the seeds from the inside of your pumpkin, and rinse thoroughly,
making sure all the excess pulp and funk is washed off and your seeds are shiny and clean!
Dry your seeds with a paper towel (I wouldn't suggest doing this for too long because they
all stick to the towel and it's super annoying. But just make sure they're dry enough).

Step 3: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Step 4: In a bowl, drizzle 2 tsp of olive oil on your seeds and stir so they are all nicely coated.
I used 2 tsp per 2 cups of seeds. Try and keep them all IN the bowl because they're really
hard to pick up when they fall out hehe.

Step 5: Put your freshly coated seeds evenly on a baking pan and sprinkle generously
with your favorite savory seasonings! I like sea salt, garlic, & paprika on mine :)

Step 6: Bake your seeds in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then take them out, give them a stir,
(maybe add more seasonings if you like a lot of flavor like me!), and then place them back in
the oven for another 10-15 minutes or until golden brown and crispy to your liking.

Step 7: Let seeds cool, and serve with hot apple cider. A movie and a cozy blanket pairs nicely too ;)

If you have more of a sweet tooth, I suggest sprinkling your seeds with cinnamon, sugar, and a weeee bit of nutmeg.

Bon Appetite, loves!

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