Monday, August 26, 2013

A sunny saturday picnic

Joshua & I finally had a saturday off together for the first time in over a month so we spent the day having a little picnic in the woods and exploring. I think one of my favorite things about him is that he lets me take as many pictures of him as I want, and doesn't get annoyed when i make him stop eating, or stand still, or pose a certain way, so I can take a picture. I told him this is how life is going to be living with me, that I'm going to want to photograph ev.ry.thing, and make him wait for dinner so I can take pictures of the meal on his plate, and always have my camera on me documenting our entire life. He said that is quite ok. I love him   
God knew what he was doing when he paired us up ;)

My little model, I don't even have to pose him  
